Our Story

My name is Karen, founder of oshkana and I would love to give you an insight into how it all began...My love of candles and home fragrance led me to study the art of candle-making with top Scottish makers. I was soon hooked and practised like crazy for a long time to perfect the skill. I had finally found my passion! Fast forward a few years to the Fife coast here, in Scotland and a breezy walk on my favourite St Andrew's beach. This place has my heart and I love to visit as much as I can, accompanied by Oscar, my faithful but bonkers four-legged spaniel friend! It's also where I go to connect with nature, be inspired and calm my busy mind. So there and then, at my favourite place, the dream of taking my passion from hobby to business was ignited. I wanted to set up a home studio where I would pour heart and soul into crafting small batches of beautiful candles for others to enjoy for themselves or gift. Thinking of a name for my new venture was tricky. oshkana was born by knitting together letters from the names of my close family and of course, not forgetting Oscar, who loves helping me out in the studio. I hope you enjoy my products and use these wee beauties to transform your space, help set the scene and create the mood and atmosphere you desire... never underestimate the power of scent!
Behind the Scents
Our process involves lots of testing new fragrances, melting heaps of wax, checking temperatures, adding oils and wicks, pouring into jars, labelling, packaging and generally making things smell delicious and look amazing!